Divine Friendships : A pathway to eternal bliss

Lata Daswani
3 min readJul 11, 2021

Lord Krishna and Sudama were childhood friends. As they grew up Krishna became a king and Sudama struggled to meet ends meet for his family. One day Sudama’s wife asked Sudama to ask for help from Lord Krishna. Sudama was very hesitant as for him friendship was always unconditional and he didn’t want to ask for anything from Krishna. However, when there was no way out he decided to go and meet Lord Krishna. Seeing his friend Sudama in his palace after years Lord Krishna’s joy knew no bounds. He welcomed Sudama, hosted him with royal treatment and both spent time reminiscing childhood days. Krishna saw Sudama hiding something in a cloth bag and playfully snatched it from him. Krishna was thrilled to find his favourite beaten rice which Sudama had carried for his friend but was shy to give it to him. Sudama was in tears to experience the divine love & friendship of Lord Krishna which had remained the same over the years. With moist eyes and filled heart Sudama left without asking for anything. When he reached home he saw his humble hut had transformed in to a mansion with all luxuries of life for his family well provided. Sudama’s wife asked what did you ask Krishna for? Sudama said “I did not ask anything but like a true friend He understood and fulfilled my needs. He knows it all”

Such is the magic of divine friendship. All God wants from us is to be His friend for life,to love Him unconditionally just like He loves us, have faith in Him and spread joy of divine friendships in the world. When we become friends with God, we see transformation in our lives. We learn to enjoy every moment of life whether it is filled with happiness or sorrow, richness or poverty, success or failures because when we have divine friendship nothing impacts us. We know we will be taken care of, we will have someone to share our journey, someone to share our heart and soul and together life will only be eternal joy no matter what the situation. When we develop such a soul friendship with God, you will see that God gives us more divine friendships on this planet with people who are lovers of God, people who share as beautiful a friendship with God as we do. God sends such soul connections and kindred spirits in our lives when we love Him intensely, unconditionally and eternally. Look out for your soul connections, your kindred spirits – friends with whom you connect soulfully, who make you feel at home, who make you grow spiritually, who give you joy of divine friendship, who take care of you like God, who sing praises of God with you and who love you and God as much as God loves us. And when you find such soul friends, hold them tight, never take them for granted, love them unconditionally and take care of them because God is within them and God sent them as a gift in your life so that you can journey this human life joyfully together in the divine presence of God, spreading God’s message to the world,having God do His work through you.

When Ananda asked his best friend Buddha if friends are an important part of spiritual life, Buddha replied “ They are not a part of spiritual life, Ananda. They are the whole of spiritual life”

See, experience and cherish God in your divine friendships and make your life eternally joyful, blissful and spiritually miraculous.

Yaara teri yaari ko maine toh khuda maana,

Yaad karegi duniya tera Mera afsaana!

